As David described in the recent Scramblers Digest, we had a HUGE turnout for the annual Pig Roast—40+ Scramblers, spouses and guests on 30 bikes and one sidecar.All attracted, undoubtedly, by the triple tease of seeing John’s shop, the beautiful riding weather, and the home cooked Pig Roast at the finish. We started by gathering at John’s shop to renew friendships, ogle John’s projects, and nosh on a terrifically varied breakfast compliments of Kathy. Here is a typical gaggle of guests at John’s shop:
One of John’s projects. Allegedly John had to add a rider to his shop’s insurance before this came through the door:
Another of John’s projects:
And Kathy’s project—definitely a long-term fixer-upper:
Over hill and dale went the Scramblers after departing John’s shop—how many times did we cross the Fox River? What was up with that stopped train and down gates? John must have quite the pull with Metra to arrange that snafu. Eventually the most of the Scramblers departing John’s shop arrived at the Anderson’s—with a few newcomers who, frankly, were just there for the Pig Roast. All proceeded to fill the cul-de-sac and terrorize the neighbors:
After enjoying a display of 90 years of Police motorcycles:
The guest of honor (and a clutch of hens) were served with all the fixings: baked beans, cole slaw, and a trio of sauces from far and wide—homemade Alabama White, Meeskes Red (Barrington, IL), and a mustard and vinegar based Pig Sauce (Jacksonville, FL):
Numerous lies were told by all:
We also enjoyed an assortment of cupcakes from Cupcake Couture (Deer Park) but were too busy eating them to take any pictures. Later we marveled at a rare sight at a Scramblers event--a kickstarter in action. It was attached to a 1947 Knucklehead ridden out from the City for the day (they never start when others are watching):
As the festivities wound down John lent a hand opening up a long-dormant 1915 Harley motor in Andy’s workshop:
Thanks to all who attended and particular thanks to Kathy and Mandy for hosting the Scramblers at each end of the ride. See you next time: