Four days of riding, and more if you wish, through the backroads of the state and national parks of northwestern and north central Pennsylvania. You may wish to slab to and/or from, take backroads to or from, or make a “bike meet sandwich” by going to the AMA Motorcycle Show on the way there the weekend before, and the AMCA National Meet in Wauseon over the weekend on the way back.
Sunday July 10 – Afternoon/evening Rendezvous
Days Inn Oil City
1 Senecca St
Oil City, PA 16301
Tel. 814-677-1221
Day One Ride, Monday 7/11: Allegheny National Forest to Wellsboro
8:00 am Breakfast Family Style at Turtle Bay Lodge
Clutches out 9:00 am
Monday and Tuesday Nights: (check in 7/11, checkout 7/13)
Canyon Motel, 18 East Avenue Wellsboro PA
Day Two Ride, Tuesday, 7/12: backroads east and north, returning to Wellsboro
Day Three Ride, Wednesday 7/13: backroads east and south, ending at Black Forest inn
Wednesday Night:
Black Forest Inn, 15 Black Forest Acres, Lock Haven, PA 17745, (570) 769-6070
Day Four Ride Thursday 7/14: Several state parks and back into part of Allegheny Forest and to Cook Forest

Rt 44 twisties, Susquehanna State Forest, Coudersport, Elk State Forest, Sinnamahoning, Rt 555, Lower Allegheny National Forest, De Young, Cook Forest
Thursday Night: Cook Forest (check-in 7/14, check out 7/15)
Gateway Lodge, 14870 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA, 814.744.8017,
Outbound pre-ride opportunities:
AMA Antique Motorcycle Show: Weekend of July 8-10, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lexington, OH
the AMA meet is 341 miles from Naperville down route 30 through Ft Wayne, IN.
From the motorcycle show to Tionesta is 192 miles. OR, the straight route to Tionesta, slabbing across 80/90 Ohio Turnpike is 501 miles
End of Trip Options:
1. Friday ride to Port Clinton, Ohio for Saturday a.m. charter fishing (bass, walleye and perch)
Anchors Away Marina
5925 Saylor Rd.
Marblehead, Ohio 43440
This will only happen if at least two people express an interest and charter is still available.
2. Friday ride to Wauseon, OH for AMCA National Meet (July 15-17)
Wauseon National Meet
Wauseon, OH
(419) 929-0291
3. Slab it from Cook Forest to Chicago via 80/90 on Friday
4. Stay over and add another day of riding in the area, and head home on Saturday
RSVP immediately and book your lodging. Room blocks have expired as of June 27.
Contact Info Below