Wisconsin is open for the Streeterville Scramblers! The 2020 Virgin Voyage takes us to the Fox and Hounds Restaurant via the Kettle Moraine drive.
The Willey's
727 Ela Rd
Inverness, IL 60067
CLUTCHES OUT @ 8:30 AM on June 14, 2020:
Early birds get treated to coffee and breakfast treats! Come as early as 7:30 AM
Fox and Hounds
1298 Friess Lake Rd
Hubertus, WI 53003
- View Google Map: Google Map
- Download Garmin gpx: GPX Waypoints
- Garmin w/Bluetooth, download at meetup
- Some printed maps will be available
Scramblers Agenda
PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T DELAY- Let Ann or Paul know BY FRIDAY morning, JUNE 12, if you will be joining us at the Restaurant! Fox and Hounds needs to know the number for lunch.
Download Garmin GPX Track
Download Garmin GPX Waypoints Only
Download Virgin Voyage PDF Flyer