Streeterville Scramblers Website Homepage
The Streeterville Scramblers have a new website! We hope you like the new look and feel of our new digital plaform and expect that it will help us to better communicate the club's activities.
The new website focuses on five types of member information: Directory, Events, History, News and Photos. The information below describes how the new website works.
Home Page
The Scrambler home page is broken up into 4 areas. There is a Navigation Bar with The Club, Photos, and Past Events sections below it. The Navigation Bar appears at the top of all pages linked off of the homepage. Clicking the Scrambler logo on any page will always bring you back to the homepage.
If a visitor lands on our homepage, our motto and mission statement describes the club's purpose. For club members, our next event's Name, Date and Time is prominently displayed on the right. Arrows on the left and right advance through additional upcoming events. You can press the Upcoming Events calendar icon on the far left to view all events in list form. To switch to calendar view, just change the "View As" pulldown in the upper right corner to switch between the different views.
The event archives icon is just like the upcoming events icon except that it only displays events that have already past. Finally the photo gallery icon shows pictures from our Flickr photo gallery.
Flickr is an online photo sharing website. We've created a Scramblers login and currently have two photo albums on Flickr. The website is linked to the "Streeterville Scramblers" Flickr album. This special album will be moderated by the webmaster to display the "Best of Scramblers" photos from our various events. The idea is members will be able upload photos from our various events into corresponding photo albums. Photos from these event albums are then be added to "Best of Scramblers" album for automatic inclusion on our websites homepage and photo gallery.
Our Flickr site can be found at this URL:
Directions on how to upload photos and use our Flickr site will be described in a future blog article.
Navigation Bar

Scrambler Website Navigation Bar
At the top of the page is a navigation bar taking you to the various pages of the Scrambler website. Each of these pages is described below:
The Directory is an online address book of member information. While the website is available to any Internet user, the directory requires a login to keep member information private. Once you've logged in, the site starts to use an encrypted SSL connection to further protect directory information. There is a pulldown menu of categories to view different member types. You can search for a member by typing their name, or filter last names by clicking on a letter to show member names that begin with that character.
The events page is a summary list of upcoming events presented in blog format. Event name, date, time and venue are summarized along with the first 5 lines of the event article is displayed. Clicking the event name or the "Find out more
»" article presents the full details of the event including organizer information and a google map to the event.
This page shows a collage of photos from the "
Streeterville Scramblers" Flickr album. Clicking any of the small thumbnail images opens a full resolution slide viewer in a new tab. Clicking the left or right arrows advances thru the other photos in the album.
This page shows a timeline of the clubs history. Hovre a date on the timeline and click on the popup to fast forward to the history article.
This page shows all club blog postings. This is were you'll find various articles on any number of topics: trips, how to's, tips, memorials, stories, digests, or any number of things like this announcements.
This is a link where visitors and guests can contact the club for more information.
More Information
If you need help or have questions about the new website, send and email to