Driftless Farm to Table Ride and Event
Sponsored by Sandy and Shawn Teska
October 10-11, 2020
RSVP to Sandy Teska by end of day Oct 1 at the latest
Text to Sandy 606-459-5199 or sandy.stack@live.com
For the Farm to Fork meal reservations are final, no refund. This will be an exceptional
experience, and will be prepared special for attendees. If you decide you can make the ride
last minute, be sure to message Sandy ASAP.
For Friday arrivals, I can pick you up and drive to dinner.
Pleasant Ridge
Bobs Bitchin BBQ
We are also planning for evening snacks and cocktails at the Silver Star Saturday evening!
Saturday Meet-up 10:30 AM Silver Star Bed and Breakfast
Silver Star Bed and Breakfast Inn
$150-175.00 with wonderful country breakfast
3852 Limmex Hill Rd, Spring Green, WI 53588
Over flow: Round Barn Lodge,
E4830 US HWY 14, Spring Green, WI 53588
(608) 588 - 2568
See you there!!!