Entertaining Hoof Horsepower Performance
Dale McCormack is sponsoring this year's Virgin Voyage on May 6th as a ride up to the Dancing Horses Theatre in Lake Geneva, WI. Please read the details below and in the attached flyer. Then click here to complete this survey before April 14th with your RSVP & lunch choice. He's trying to organize a group rate for the Scramblers, so it's important that you respond ASAP with your choice.
Download Dancing Horse Theatre Flyer
Download Garmin GPX File
Dear Scramblers,
As many of us are Midwesterners, it is exciting, but rare, to discover new, fun things near home! But I think this event will be a pleasant surprise!
I first learned of, and have attended, two separate entertaining performances at “The Dancing Horses Dinner Theater” during the past year. One was their “normal” performance and the second was their “Holiday” version. They were fun and enjoyable for all ages. I’m confident you’ll have as much fun at this event/venue as we did!
The “Dancing Horses” facility is located relatively nearby, just outside Lake Geneva, and the ride will be on backcountry, entertaining roads. Upon arrival, there will be one ticket needed (per person) and will provide three types of entertainment. Beyond the Horse Performances are Bird Performances and a Petting Zoo as well. Although the zoo is smaller, it has a wide variety of animals. Also, one of their performing parrots recently appeared on America’s Got Talent
For those who wish to dine at the venue, they have three possibilities for us (these prices include admission):
- $57 Entry with choices including TWO entrees
- $47 Entry with choice of ONE entree
- $40 Entry with a Box Lunch
- Entry cost alone is $27 per person
Scramblers Agenda
The day will begin at a Crystal Lake “Breakfast Rendezvous.” Location TBD. Tires will roll at 8:30am. The gentle ride will meander toward Wisconsin with an 11:00 arrival at “The Dancing Horses.” There we will begin with lunch, followed by a Bird Show at the Aviary Performance Center; this will feature many members of the parrot/cockatiel family.
be followed with time for Petting Zoo exploration (featuring camels, and other non-midwestern livestock). Finally, we’ll go next door to their Equestrian Arena where there will be wide variety of horses and riders performing and demonstrating their talented activities.
Activities at “The Dancing Horses” will include:
- Noontime luncheon, followed by
- Petting Zoo exploration (outdoors)
- half-hour Performing Bird show followed by (indoors)
- 1.5 hour Equestrian and Rider Performances (indoors, refreshments available)